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Lost Souls Rule Book

Last Updated: August 7th, 2023

1. Introduction

1.1. The rules outlined in all sections apply to all players. It is recommended that you read the rules regularly. While changes to rules will almost always be announced, we reserve the right to change the rules without notice in some instances.
1.2. All players using Lost Souls IDLE RPG (referred to as “Lost Souls”) automatically agree and accept these rules and any changes to these rules.

2. Player Accounts

2.1. Players are allowed ONE account per person to access or play Lost Souls Violators may be subject to punishment.
2.2. Only the registered owner of an account may access the account. Non permitted users include other players, family, friends, or anyone who did not register the account for use even if given permission.
2.3. Players are held responsible for anything said or done on their account with or without their permission.
2.4. If accounts share a computer or network, such is the case with some living situations, log out before logging into the other player's account.
2.4.1. If two or more players wish to play on the same network, notify staff members and wait for approval before continuing with logging into both accounts.
2.5. Any account names deemed inappropriate, offensive, spam-like, or created to impersonate any other player may be muted in chat and forums until the name conflict is resolved.
2.5.1. Staff Members will reach out to guide you through selecting a new name.
2.5.2. You may request a name change under special circumstances to protect your identity.
2.5.3. You may contact staff members to change your name once every year if you choose to do so.
2.6. Trading, transferring, or selling your account is not allowed and may be subject to permanent removal of the account and/or removal of both accounts in a trade, transfer, or sale.
2.6.1. This includes the trading of in game resources for those of another game, The sale of in game resources for money in the form of any currency, or donating in exchange of in game resources.
2.7. Account removal due to inactivity
2.7.1. If a player registers but has not performed an action within 60 days, the account may be subject to removal.
2.7.2. If a player has not performed an action in 12 months, the account may be subject to removal.

3. Game Interaction & Behaviour

3.1. Do not hack, or attempt to hack, any account registered with Lost Souls.
3.2. The use of scripts, writing scripts, posting of the scripts, is not allowed.
3.3. The use of bots, programming of bots, talking about, or posting about bots, is not allowed.
3.4. If you find a bug no matter how big or small, report it immediately. Some bugs, while rare, could lead to a security issue.
3.4.1. Bugs can include but are not limited to: Typos, Error messages, broken links.
3.5. Exploiting the game or bugs is strictly disallowed. Report exploits immediately to known staff members. Do not discuss exploits with other users who are not staff. Using exploits or failure to report exploits may result in punishment depending on severity.
3.5.1. In some instances the reporting of exploits may lead to compensation in various forms as a thank you for bringing it to staff attention.
3.6. Macros are not allowed. This includes software or hardware that is designed to click, move your mouse, enter a keystroke or otherwise interact with the game or its interface that is randomized or automated.
3.7. Any in-game deaths resulting from “Lag” are not eligible for compensation in any form.
3.8. Do not advertise Lost Souls in any way that would bring negative attention either internally or on any external website. This includes spamming links. Follow the rules on other websites about posting links or advertising.
3.9. Do not encourage or bait others into breaking the rules.
3.10. External links are not allowed in any chat or forum unless otherwise stated by game staff.
3.10.1. If an external link is posted, the player posting the link is solely responsible for the content of the link and the content of the platform where it leads.
3.10.2. Staff members reserve the right to remove any and all external links at their discretion
3.10.3. If a posted link leads to anything staff members deem inappropriate the player posting may receive punishment based on severity.

4. Chat & Forum

4.1. All players must use English in all forms of communication. The occasional use of other languages may be overlooked though if deemed inappropriate will result in punishment.
4.2. All inappropriate speech is not allowed in any chat or forum associated with “Lost Souls” regardless if it is directed at another player or not. Speech deemed inappropriate may include, but is not limited to:
4.2.1. Swearing or profanity.
4.2.2. Sex or Sexual speech, including pronouns.
4.2.3. Discrimination or racial speech.
4.2.4. Harassment .
4.2.5. Spam (More than several characters back to back, or for the purpose of unnecessary chat)
4.2.6. Abusing or threatening speech.
4.3. Use the proper topic and tag for your forum posts. Failure to do so may result in the topic being deleted.
4.4. Do not try to unfairly gain an advantage over your forum posts by including special characters or capitols in the name or body of the post.
4.5. Be as descriptive as possible in your forum topic name so that people know what the topic is about before clicking into the topic itself.
4.6. Game chat will take place on the official Lost Souls IDLE RPG community server until an in-game chat option is available. The same chat rules apply

5. Player Punishment

5.1. Player punishments are for the purpose of keeping Lost Souls a functioning ecosystem. Below is a list of punishments that may be implemented in order from least severe to most severe.
5.1.1. Warning: If you are warned by a staff member for not following the rules or basic conduct of conversation listen to their instructions. Failure to follow instructions may lead to escalation of punishments.
5.1.2. Timeout/Mute: For a time the muted account will not be able to talk in chat, or post to the forum. These times range from a few minutes to a week or more. A timeout or mute does not always imply fault. Timeouts or mutes may be used in order to stop an argument or a situation, or to stop escalation.
5.1.3. Asset Removal - In the case of a known exploit, hack, glitch, or otherwise gaining unfair advantage in form of in-game currency or resources may be removed from the offending player's account, or any account those resources are transferred to regardless if they are purchased by the second account or not. Removal of these assets are not eligible for compensation.
5.1.4. Freeze/Hibernate: Freezing or hibernation of an account may take place if other means of moderation proved to be ineffective. This typically results in a total inaccessibility to the players account for a period of 1 day, up to several months at a time.
5.1.5. Ban: The banning of an account is the most severe punishment offered. This will result in the total and permanent removal of the account, and any past or future account.

6. Moderation

6.1. A moderator or staff member's goal is to ensure a positive environment.
6.2. All steps taken to moderate an account or situation are under the discretion of the staff member who assigned the punishment.
6.3. Staff members are prohibited from talking about another player's punishment.

7. Staff

7.1. All staff members are carefully vetted and accepted or denied by existing staff members.
7.2. If the staff are recruiting new members, an announcement will be made available to all players.
7.3. Staff members may or may not have a tag to designate their role as staff. This is up to the individual staff member.
7.4. Staff members may utilize the global “Moderation” account under their own discretion.

8. Health

8.1. Take regular breaks from the game, It is recommended to take a 10-15 minute break for every hour of time spent at a computer.

9. Other

9.1. If you need any of these rules clarified please reach out to game staff.
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